
Showing posts from August, 2011

Los Colonos del Caudillo (Franco's Settlers) (2011)

Watch the trailer to the new film by Dietmar Post and Lucia Palacios: >

Reverend Billy documentary goes digital on Distrify

Franco's Settlers: A new film by Dietmar Post & Lucia Palacios

About Un pueblo que sigue rindiendo homenaje a su creador, Francisco Franco, y el legado de la figura del dictador en España   A fascist settlement project in Spain and the legacy and prevalence of Francisco Franco's figure Description En un lugar de La Mancha … existe un pueblo cuyo nombre rinde homenaje a su creador. Llanos del Caudillo es uno de los 300 asentamientos construidos por Franco en los que el nuevo hombre fascista habría de nacer: “el hombre antiurbano y antiobrero, apegado a la tierra, temeroso de Dios y devoto al régimen, del cual es deudor de todo: casa, tierra y trabajo, bajo el control del partido.”  Somewhere on the high plains of Spanish La Mancha resides a village that still carries the name of its creator. Its name “Llanos del Caudillo” means “The High Plains of the Caudillo (Führer) Franco”. Llanos del Caudillo was one of over 300 settlement villages that were built during the dictatorship of general Franco between 1939 and 1975. Pl...

One of the best experimental music productions of the decade calls Klangbad/Faust DVD one of the best "experimental music" productions of the decade Faust: Live at Klangbad Festival  was released in 2010 by Play Loud Productions Berlin,  paired up with  Klangbad: Avant-garde in the Meadows , a documentary of the Klangbad festival itself. The Faust performance film, featuring the band led by Jochen Irmler and Arnulf Meifert, ranges from structured rock to spaced abstractions, industrial soundscapes to acid drenched fuzz-jazz. Stephen Wray Lobdell's multi-textured guitar talents are literally mind blowing.  Both films together make for perhaps the ultimate documentation of the Faust musical experience and the legacy they have engendered within the experimental genre. This 2for1 package may be one of the best "experimental music" productions of the decade. Buy DVD here: