This unlikely story is a superbly engaging film called Monks: The Transatlantic Feedback
FORCES OF GEEK Monday, April 27, 2009 MONKS: THE TRANSATLANTIC FEEDBACK—Not Your Everyday Monk Rockers By Robert Jaz How could 5 American GI's, stationed on a military base in the middle of 1961's Cold War immersed Germany, in a few years become one of the most out there, avant garde, experimental garage rock and roll art bands to ever come along in pop music's history? Well, it doesn't hurt if you have an electric banjo, are called MONKS and dress like...Monks. For over ten years, directors Dietmar Post and Lucia Palacios have been working to bring the little known tale of one of the wildest, most strikingly different bands of the sixties to the screen. This unlikely story is a superbly engaging film called Monks: The Transatlantic Feedback. For those uninitiated to the Monks' story, music or visual image, this film tells a thoroughly head scratching tale: they were a group of GI's who originally set out to primarily have some fun and meet some girls thro...