reverend billy in berlin

New York Festival: New York Performance Artists Explore Berlin's Urban Space
House of World Cultures, Berlin, August 2007

No multinational corporation, and certainly no shopping mall, is safe from Reverend Billy. From 22 August Reverend Billy appeared at Berlin's temples of consumption, where he and his Church of Stop Shopping hold open services, including sermon and gospel choir.

At once smoothly charming and cuttingly critical, Reverend Billy preaches against the phoney life promised by experience-marketing and brand-name products. His credo is consumer refusal, his arch enemy the companies that fill public space with chain stores and advertising. Nobody can predict when and where the artistic performance will cross over into the uncontrollable realm of spontaneous political action. Reverend Billy practices a kind of political theatre that in the USA is possible in few places outside New York.

by André Lepecki, New York University

documentary film | USA, Germany, Spain | 2002 | 60 min + 30 min interview | color | DVCam, digibeta
You can purchase the DVD at


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