Christy & Emily part of "play loud! (live) music series"
006 play loud! (live) music series (audio & video):
Filmmaker duo and archivists Dietmar Post & Lucía Palacios captured the urban folk band Christy & Emily at the famous Klangbad Festival in Southern Germany. The film was shot in one continuous 64 min long take.
"Their music is like night air — calmly moving, a gentle swirl of warm and cool, a surrounding thing." Mike Wolf, RCRD LBL
"A rainy day minimalism." Pitchfork
"Like Arthur Russell jamming with Galaxy 500." Evan Andrews
"play loud! (live) music series" presents bands live on stage, in the rehearsal room, in galleries, under subway bridges and other performances spaces...
The concept behind the series is to combine the John Peel sessions with archivist Alan Lomax and the concept of Direct Cinema cherished by film pioneers, such as, DA Pennebaker, the Maysles Brothers and Kurt Wildenhahn in the 60s.
Please read the full concept behind the series here:
play loud! (live) music series on Facebook
You can either stream the entire 64 minute film right above on DISTRIFY (see trailer above) and/or download the audio here:
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Band info (English)
These two female singers from New York City, who also play piano and electric guitar full of reverb, cross the Atlantic this time around with their own band. So, it's very likely that their "urban folk" will be even more compact, infectious and soulful than ever before. Their last album, released on the Klangbad label, got rave reviews around the globe - with NME giving it four points out of five. It could well be a foretaste of what we can expect live: heart-warming songs celebrating close harmony create a wonderful mood - only interrupted now and again by gruff punk-interludes that arrive just in time to rescue things from becoming too celebratory.
Bandinfo (deutsch)
Die beiden Chanteusen aus New York City, die zusätzlich noch Piano und eine E-Gitarre voller Hall spielen, kommen dieses Mal mit eigener Band über den Atlantik, was ihren ‘Urban Folk’ noch kompakter, noch mitreißender und noch seelenvoller machen dürfte. Ihr letztes Album, beim Klangbad-Label erschienen, wurde mit superben Besprechungen rund um den Globus bedacht, wobei der NME die Scheibe mit vier von fünf Sternen hochlobte. Es könnte ein Vorgeschmack auf das sein, was uns ‘live’ erwartet: herzbewegende Songs in ‘close harmony’ zelebriert, die eine wunderbare Stimmung schaffen - nur ab und zu durchbrochen von ruppigen Punk-Einlagen, bevor es zu feierlich zu werden droht.
Christine Edwards, guitar/vox
Emily Manzo, keys/vox
Peter Kerlin, bass
Kristin Mueller, drums
a film by
Dietmar Post & Lucía Placios
edited by
Karl-W. Huelsenbeck
sound mix by
Jan Wagner
live sound by
John Silk, Bruno Gebhard, Andi Schmid, Felix Lichtblau
Tech data:
Format HD 16:9, color, video stream 64 min 17 sec,
audio download: 61 min 35 sec
2012 ©
Song list:
No Rest (6:13)
Little World (3:53)
Lover's Talk (5:11)
Beast (5:06)
Kings & Monsters (3:22)
Firefly (3:56)
Green Lady (5:31)
Ghost (3:00)
Guava Tree (4:04)
Golden Rings (4:10)
Strange (6:03)
Cave (2:59)
Bells (4:52)
Japanese T-Shirt (3:10)
Current album and tour info:
Band website
Tour dates
Klangbad label record release
Info about the "play loud! (live) music series"
play loud! (live) music series on Facebook

play loud! (live) music series (video & audio):
001 Floating di Morel
002 Doc Schoko
003 FM Einheit + Irmler
004 Faust
005 Gebrüder Teichmann
006 Christy & Emily
007 Damo Suzuki & Sound Carriers
Atari Teenage Riot, Limpe Fuchs, Barbara Manning, Lydia Lunch & Philippe Petit, and many more.
stream and download complete shows